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Marketplace Events by the Numbers

Consumer Buying Power
93% Are homeowners
87% Are between 36-65 years of age
73% Attend with a partner (both decision makers!)
54% Female | 46% Male
79% Attend with a project in mind
$27.5K Average renovation budget
$129K+ Average household income
75% Plan to purchase from our exhibitors
77% Likely to return to the show
4M Unique web visitors

14,000 exhibitors annually
2.7 million square feet of space sold annually
70% exhibitor renewal rate
50+ Exhibit Sales Consultants in 12 offices

Satisfaction + Trust in our Brand

97% of show visitors rate the quality of the show's vendors as "excellent" or "very good"
78% of show visitors rate their overall satisfaction as "very satisfied" or "satisfied"

79% of exhibitors are "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with how the show met their expectations
73% of exhibitors would "definitely" or are "likely to" recommend the show to a potential exhibitor

Contact a member of our team for more information on how you can realize real results at a Marketplace Events consumer show.
Jill Kivett
Vice President, Sponsorship
 Rosanna Hrabnicky
National Sponsorship Manager
1847 W Broadway, Suite 212
Vancouver, BC  V6J 1Y6
P: 604-639-2288
F: 604-639-2289
Email Jill
 31105 Bainbridge Road, Suite 3
Solon, OH  44139
P: 888-248-9751 ext. 104
F: 440-264-2981
Email Rosanna